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Julie Dohr, MD, FACOGJulie Dohr MD

No one likes acne, and although it is thought of as a “teenager problem” it affects some adults for many years.  Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. for some 50 million individuals.  It can contribute to anxiety and depression and low self-esteem issues.
Acne can be persistent and is caused by a combination of things: 
  • Hormonal shifts
  • Refined carb and sugar-heavy diets
  • Stress
  • Heredity (genes!)
  • Some medications
  • Certain supplements and steroids 
Adult acne can particularly affect women as they undergo a major hormonal shift each month with their menstrual cycles. And as we get older, new stresses emerge on a regular basis.
There may be underlying hormonal disorders that cause elevated testosterone, which may contribute to acne in women, which can be discussed with any of our medical staff here at DC&G ObGyn. 
There is treatment available – 
Topical medications - Retinoids and salicylic acid help slough off the top layer of skin to prevent clogging pores but must be used regularly (3-6 months recommended).
Oral medications – Accutane®, oral contraceptives and spironolactone work to prevent oily secretions of the sebaceous glands.   Antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide prevent bacteria that proliferate and cause acne. Medications work systemically, meaning you must adhere to a fixed plan of use (3-6 months recommended).
Make an appointment with our Medspa for the Acne Facial and have a discussion of your concerns with our aesthetician, Kelly.  She will be happy to bring one of our medical staff in for a consult to investigate if there are topical or oral meds that would address your personal situation.