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By Jeanne Novas, MD Jeanne Novas MD color

THE EMSELLA® CHAIR - quite the experience! We work out our bodies for our abs, our arms, but what about our pelvic floor? This area doesn’t show in clothes or bathing suits, but it does matter for urine stress incontinence (leaky bladder) and our sex lives. This comes up during our postpartum and menopause when the pelvic floor weakens.

EmsellaI finally made the time to sit on the EMSELLA chair - 28 minutes for 6 treatments, 48 hours apart - and it feels great! Definitely improved stress urine incontinence, and I can feel the difference in Kegels, tightening your pelvic floor muscles. And – private side bar – really can feel the difference with intercourse and orgasm!

The treatments are not painful – feels funny, a bit noisy, and definitely bring paper reading or writing as you cannot use phone or computer. You can feel a “ping” in your pelvic floor. Studies clearly show an improvement in stress incontinence, and the participants happened to notice improvement in sex function. There are studies currently going on to confirm these findings.

Take some time for self-improvement and better health - try the EMSELLA chair!!